Another Random Update

Hey Dad!

I just got Dipper and Mabel’s Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun (DAMG for short), and I’ve been all over it looking for codes and such. You would not believe how many codes I’ve solved so far. So far, half of them have been jokes, while the other half are actually relevant to the series. I’m so excited for the next episode!

Right now, I’m creating a bookmark specifically designed for DAMG. It has all the main characters on one side, and their names and symbols on the other. I’m also making a mini Journal 3, for emergencies. Dipper himself said that it’s needed for solving mysteries!

I’ve also been doing a bunch of drawings and artwork. Some of my latest works include a comic interpretation of “On Top of the World” by Greek Fire, a drawing of me and my friends, and the DAMG bookmark.

The ending for Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, was so disappointing! The game follows the Professor and Luke and Phoenix and Maya as they try to figure out who the boss of the witches, or Bezella, really is. It turns out that there really isn’t a witch and it’s all behind the scenes work. The townspeople were hypnotized into not being able to see pure black, which was what all the machinery behind the scenes was. Aww… I was really looking forward to unmasking the true Bezella.

I guess that’s all for today. Bye!

P.S: I have a few points to go over.

  • I don’t know how to properly end blogs.
  • Nothing interesting really goes on in my life. That’s why I may or may not have boring blog posts.
  • And I feel like this list has to have three things but I can’t think of the last one.

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