About Dad

Dad is a run-of-the-mill kind of guy. He doesn’t do anything extraordinary like eliminating world hunger, stopping climate change, rescuing damsels in distress, finding cheap and renewable energy alternatives, creating technology for complete internet anonymity, or thinking of solutions to the p vs np problem. But he likes learning new things.

His greatest achievement in life is his offsprings. Said offsprings never cease to amaze him. There is always something new everyday and he is extremely proud of them.

He is a self-confessed avid reader and lover of literature but could never finish Edith Grossman’s translation of Don Quixote. He also claims to speak 3 languages. To wit, he is fluent in two and in the following (in fraction of fluency): ¼ French, ¼ Spanish, ¼ python, and ¼ C++. Although he had always wanted to learn German, he could never get past guten Tag and guten Morgen.

He does not like his picture taken because he does not like the way cameras capture his appearance. Exceptions can be made when arm twisting is involved.

He abhors people who breaks wind in crowded places and then feign ignorance by pretending to focus on their book. They are the most horrible people in the world especially when the deed happens in a train on his way home at rush hour. And eventhough he cannot plead “not guilty” of committing the same crime, he maintains his stance and revel at his duplicity.

Dad usually does not refer to himself in the third person except when writing about pages on wordpress.

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